Raisi says revolution and its accomplishments belong to all Iranians

TEHRAN- President Ebrahim Raisi has said that the Islamic Revolution and its achievements belong to all Iranians of all nationalities and religions.
At a gathering of monotheistic religions on Monday evening to commemorate the 44th anniversary of the triumph of the glorious Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Raisi said, “The days of Fajr celebration are a reminder for all of us of the tremendous accomplishments of the Iranian country.”
All successes and great achievements made by the Iranian nation in various fields after the victory of the Islamic Revolution also belong to the great nation of Iran, the president underlined.
“The Sacred Defense is one of the beautiful and glorious manifestations of the Iranian nation's steadfastness and vision, which all Iranian ethnicities and religions played a role in it… and have a share in this honor,” he added.
Sacred Defense refers to Iran’s resistance against the invading Saddam Hussein Army in the 1980s.
Emphasized the need for national unity, the president said it is now more essential than ever.
“Cohesion and unity are the most important and most suitable platform for development in the country. Of course, unity and cohesion do not mean the negation of dialogue, rather it is a platform for the gathering of thinkers and exchange of their views and opinions with each other in line with the approximation of views.”
“Today, the enemies of the Islamic Revolution seek to inspire hopelessness and despair in the society,” he added.
Raisi went on to say, “It is clear to us all that Abrahamic religions are against atheism and disbelief, and the focus of all of them is worship of God, calling for morality and abandoning arrogance, mischief, cruelty, and corruption.”
Ayatollah Raisi also said the enemies do not want the Iranian nation to move towards “progress and a bright future” by seeking to sow discord among in the society.
Raisi added, “The common point of all Abrahamic religions is to pay attention to God, pay attention to oneself and self-improvement, and take care of others. All Abrahamic religions condemn self-conceit and arrogance and condemn oppression and corruption.”
Ayatollah Raisi stated, “Today, in the eyes of the global arrogance, a ugly phenomenon that causes the end of the human race is introduced as an indicator of civilization, and Western governments introduce a civilized society that that homosexuality is prevalent. This is in conflict with all the teachings of Abrahamic religions and causes the human race to be cut off.”
The president emphasized that politics and spirituality are intertwined in Imam Khomeini’s political philosophy by saying that “politics without God has brought great calamities to humanity, such as seventy years of Palestinian oppression, the creation of nuclear warheads, and the oppression and conquests that the human society is suffering today.”
Raisi said, “Human society should recognize that excluding God from political calculations would not lead to prosperity, but rather to tyranny and the loss of human rights.”
“Iran's Islamic Revolution seeks to build a society where people believe in God and are free from oppression,” the president said, adding, “Our honorable Imam Khomeini raised a flag called the administration of justice 44 years ago in order to build a society that would cultivate justice-seekers who would be the first implementers of justice.”
“What is required for our society today is to have a review of what should have been done and what has been done, and strive to eradicate the shortcomings and inadequacies and improve the strengths to establish a strong Iran,” Raisi remarked.
The president went on to say that nowadays there are obvious signs that Iran’s advancement has “enraged the adversary”.
“The enemy realizes that any schemes it makes will fail. These are not our words, but rather the enemy's and American leaders’ disgraceful acknowledgment that their maximum pressure campaign against the Islamic Republic failed miserably,” he said.
By utilizing its diverse skills and abilities, Iran may attain self-sufficiency in a variety of disciplines, the president underscored, adding that “Islamic Iran can reach the heights of glory by harnessing the many talents it possesses.”
“This country has great material and spiritual resources, which should be actualized through effective administration,” Raisi continued.
He highlighted that “it is premised on such a progressive and valuable view that when we hear that people have been impacted by earthquakes and natural disasters near the border between Turkey and Syria, it is as if we have also suffered from this accident and problem, and we cannot be without concern and feel responsible for them.”
Raisi concluded that Imam Khomeini’s (RA) ideology cultivates a person’s capacity for social interaction, saying, “If martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani did not suffer from the agonies of others, why should he be martyred in Iraq? He went to save the people of Iraq and the whole region from the Takfiri terrorism that had nothing to do with religion but committed crimes in the name of religion.”
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